Martin --

...and then martin f krafft said...
% also sprach David T-G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2001.12.27.1307 +0100]:
% > ...and then martin f krafft said...
% > % 
% > % hi folks,
% > % first, please CC me on replies as i am not subscribed to mutt-users...
% > 
% > Done.  But you missed the whole new-threading-style discussion because
% > you weren't here :-)
% right, but i am already on two million other high traffic lists, i
% would die if i were on mutt. how many messages a day would you say?

Hrmmm...  It varies widely, but I'd say a good average is probably only
ten or twelve, and a high is twenty.

% could you give me a url to the archives of that thread, or the approx
% date and possibly the subject line?

I'm pressed for time, so the practical answer is no, but if you go to the page and find one of the two archive sites and search in the
past three months (if you want to limit) for hide_missing you'll
certainly hit some good material.

% > Daniel Eisenbud has worked up a patch,
%   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
% there are surely more than one daniel eisenbud, but i might well have
% gone to college with that one ;)


% do you have any more info on who he is?

Only that his address is at and that he writes mutt 
code :-)  You could always drop him a note...

% > with multiple fine-tuning revisions, which should enhance the way
% > $hide_missing works (you do have that set already because you did
% > read the manual, right?) and should make you happier.  Go and get it
% > or wait for it to be further refined after he returns in early
% > January from his trip.
% okay, i use debian, and i'd rather stick with the packages rather than
% patching the source. so i'll wait. but i am glad to know that mutt is
% working on it.

Yep.  I dunno if this is expected to make it into the production code or
stay a patch; I don't see a reason for the latter, but one never knows.

% i can't believe that a change to the way mutt handles things was made
% without providing an option to control it... with the user base that
% mutt has, that was surely a brave step...

Well, $hide_missing and another related new variable were thought to be
sufficient; it's the whiny users that have pushed the display farther :-)

% > % thanks, and please CC me!
% > 
% > What, again?
% people tend to forget by the time they are done with reading...

BTW, do you set M-F-T: so that mutt knows to reply to the list and to you
or do you not bother because you're so used to asking people to cc: you?

% thanks for not CCing me twice ;)

No problem: -)

% -- 
% martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
%   \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; net@madduck

You know, I still haven't gotten this to work...

HTH & HAND & Happy Holidays to all

David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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