>The links page on www.mutt.org has finally had a significant update.
>Apologies to those that had to wait to have a link added or fixed,
>especially Cedric Duval, Ken Weingold, and Ailbhe Leamy.
>If you have a patch to add or any corrections please feel free to mail me
>directly at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

what about making it easier to find the cvs instructions?  i don't use
cvs to retrieve mutt that often, but when i do, it always takes me a
little longer than i think it should to find out how to do it.  it's
third on the list of download locations with very little calling
attention to it.  not easy to find.

also, it might be good to remove the link to ftp.guug.de from the
download page, since it no longer seems to be the "same machine".

|-----< "CODE WARRIOR" >-----|
[EMAIL PROTECTED]             * "ah!  i see you have the internet
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andrew Brown)                that goes *ping*!"
[EMAIL PROTECTED]       * "information is power -- share the wealth."

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