Troy --

...and then Troy Heber said...
% Quick question. I just upgraded mutt from 1.2.5i to Mutt 1.3.25i Because of
% the security change. Problem is that my main inbox (my spoolfile I belive)
% is now giving me "Mailbox is read-only." when ever I try to do any 
% set spoolfile="/var/spool/mail/troyhebe"

1) Do other mailboxes have this problem?

2) Did you do the upgrade, or did you have root do it?  I believe there
was an option in 1.2 (at least) which let you install mutt with special
permissions instead of using mutt_dotlock; as a normal user, though, you
wouldn't be able to install your mutt that way (or the new mutt_dotlock,

Take a look at the output of

  ls -lF /path/to/old/mutt* /path/to/new/mutt*

and see which (at least *some* should) have special permissions like

-rwxr-sr-x   1 bin      mail        16995 Sep  8 06:56 mutt_dotlock*

(note the 's' on the group permissions and the mail groupship).

% set folder=~/tmail      # where i keep my mailboxes
% set mbox=+inbox
% The only thing I did was upgrade mutt versions. Am I missing something
% stuipd? 

Not stupid, but common nonetheless.

% Thanks, 


% Troy

David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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