> My .mutt.aliases file is getting a little large now it's and not always
> easy to remember how I've named people.

Er, why not something very simple like this?
  alias nick_wilson    Nick Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Avoid nicknames, and just use their real names. That's the easiest way
to remember how you named them!

> How can I better organize my contacts?

You might be interested in trying the Little Big Brother Database, and
the m_inmail module in particular:


  set query_command="lbdbq %s"    # calling lbdbq
  macro alias Q "!lbdbq ."        "lbdb query"
in your muttrc and the following recipe on top of your procmailrc,
     | lbdb-fetchaddr

Very convenient when you don't recall the exact name.


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