Ken --

...and then Ken Weingold said...
% On Fri, Feb  1, 2002, Knute wrote:
% > Don't know about that, but I do have an idea.
% > Do you know if the box in Portland is using GMT or not?
% I don't.  What will tell me that?  'date' says PST.

That's good enough.  You could also check for TZ in /etc/profile, and I
think there's another place on a Linux box where the timezone is set.

% > If it is, then you can set yours to GMT as well, then they should be in
% > sync.
% > Either that or have mutt change the TZ variable to West Coast time
% > (Don't know the abreviation.)
% Hmmm.  I removed my TZ env variable and will see if things clear up.
% So what is the best way to have all my stuff set to EST/GMT-5 that
% mutt will deal with?

Don't worry about the time zone on your server; if you can

  ls -l

and get correct-looking output (files just touched are not hours off or
in the future), things are fine.  You can put your TZ back; I use my own
TZ var on my server on the East Coast so that whenever I land in a new
city my times are correct (I got tired of sending mail at 0400 when I was
really only up until one :-)

% -Ken

Speaking of landing in a new city, does anyone need a hot SysAdmin?  I'm
on the market again...  Ken, perhaps you should forward my address to
your IT department ;-)

David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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