Hi folks,

I'm a recent convert to mutt from the rigid world of pine... I'm
suitably impressed with the near infinite reconfigurability.

One thing I've run up against--probably for lack of a decent Google
query--is how I might create a macro to bring me to the mailboxes
overview in the browser. 

I know that change-folder, in the index, defaults to showing the next
mailbox with new messages, but, sometimes I like to skip over this and
see just a list of mailboxes which have new messages.

I could see doing this by adding:

macro index g "<change-folder><tab><tab><tab>"

to my macros.muttrc... But, of course, that's only going to work if
there are new messages in folders... :) (Otherwise, the number of <tab>s
is different)...Seems inelegant, anyways.

Any ideas?


"...ironically, perhaps, the best organised dissenters in the world today
are anarchists, who are busily undermining capitalism while the rest of
the left is still trying to form committees." Jeremy Hardy, The Guardian.

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