On Thu, Feb 07, 2002 at 05:29:03PM +0100, Volker Moell wrote:
> Hi, there!
> I'm doing my first steps on VV's NNTP patch.  Great one! :-)
> But I didn't found out to build a send-hook (for $attribution et al)
> recognizing when a posting is sent to a newsgroup (via "F").
> I tried
>   send-hook '~h ^Newsgroups:' 'set attribution="%n wrote:"'
> but this did not work:
>   Error in /home/moell/.muttrc, line 274: h: not supported in this mode

I use the following kludge:

        ## nothing in "To:" AND a subject not starting with "Fwd [" AND
        ## subject non-empty means
        ## probably usenet posting

        send-hook '!~t. !~s^Fwd:\\\ \\\[ ~s.' set stuff

Let me know if you find something better,

    PHEDRE: J'évitais Hippolyte, et tu me l'as fait voir.
            De quoi te chargeais-tu ? Pourquoi ta bouche impie
            A-t-elle, en l'accusant, osé noircir sa vie ?
                                          (Phèdre, J-B Racine, acte 4, scène 6)

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