On Fri, 22 Feb 2002, Nicolas Rachinsky wrote:

> * On Thu, Feb 21, 2002 at 11:29:17PM -0500,
> * Kyle Rawlins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Is there some way to clear the mailbox list?  i.e. the list that is added to by
> > the 'mailboxes' command.

> AFAIK there is no such way. At least in the discussion about this
> feature some time ago nobody knew such a feature.

> > I want to have two different sets of mailboxes (one for each mailing list) and
> > have a keybinding to cycle through them; i.e. a set of work-related mailboxes
> > and a set of music-related mailboxes.  I find that there are times where I want
> > to check the work related stuff and spend too much time skipping over the music
> > mailing lists and getting distracted, and when I'm reading the less serious
> > lists I'm rarely interested in hearing about the work stuff.

> Similar situation here.

I'm curious if you can't score the mailboxes somehow and then sort by
score.  Or maybe a priority somehow in the mailbox command.
There is already coding to sort the headers in a particular order, so
why couldn't that be applied to mailboxes as well as the format is
already familiar.

mailbox_order =very_important_work_box =important_inbox\
        =music_stuff =spam etc....

Then any that aren't listed in the mailbox_order would show up with new
mail afterwards when you hit c to change mailboxes.

I don't even know where to begin with something like this, but it would
do what you are looking for.


You live, You die.  Enjoy the interval!
        -- Clarence

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