Adam Byrtek wrote:
> Help! I was composing a new msg today and I wanted to inlude one of my
> mailboxes as an attachment. I attached the file, and them resigned,
> pressing q and no to postpone question, and I've found that my whole
> attached mailbox was deleted! Help, it has a great meaning to me!

> alpha

> ps. I might have pressed some other keys after 'a' and before 'q'...

By any chance, did you hit 'R' (<rename-file>) in the meantime?

It once happened to me. I wanted to change the name (but in fact, the
description) of the attached file, and mistakenly used <rename-file>
instead of <edit-description> ('d'). And of course, the file
What is a bit confusing, is that the resulting string is displayed at
the same place in the compose menu, for both operations.

You might find your mailbox elsewhere on your hard drive.


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