well home and end are bound as well, but neither of those have worked in a long time.

* parv ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
> wrote Charles Jie thusly...
> >
> ...
> > I tried:
> > 
> >     bind pager <esc>t tag-thread
> > 
> > I tried again:
> > 
> >     macro pager <esc>t tag-thread
> > 
> >     . It got wrong action though I can see it right with '?'.
> >     . It just tags a single message and prompts me to define an alias.
> > 
> > * How do people do to bind such 'ESC t' or alt-t key?
> > 
> > (I use mutt-1.3.27i + patch.vvv.nntp)
> i am also using 1.3.27i version, but i don't see "tag-thread" action
> in "help" in pager context, only "tag-message".  are you sure that,
> by chance you didn't see "tag-thread" in index context?
> however, if an action is valid, then the above bind syntax
> will/should work.

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