
I send this before, got no feedback, need an opinion please

Whenever I input text at the statusline under the pager, for example an email
address, a subject, a file to attach, etc... if I delete then sometimes I get
strange effects. This seems to happen specifically when I have input more than
8 characters, which is usual for filenames with full paths and email

So if I make a typo I have to delete right back to the beginning, and the
cursor seems to jump around a bit, and leaves some text undeletable although
it is deleted in the buffer because I type again from scratch and tab
completion works, and I have a clean email address when I get into vi to edit
the mail.

This may be an issue with my terminal settings, but can someone please let me
know if this happens to them (or definitively say that it doesn't) before I
screw up my terminal settings when I try to hack them?

|-Simon White
|-Internet Services Manager
|-MTDS S.A.              /                                     \
|-tel +212.3.767.4861    # GIMPS current unit progress: 25.55% #
|-fax +212.3.767.4863    # (http://www.mersenne.org/prime.htm) #
|-14, rue 16 novembre    \                                     /
|-Rabat, Kingdom of Morocco

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