Hash: SHA1

Said Justin Hibbits on Fri, Mar 08, 2002 at 03:53:47PM -0500:

> Is there a way to do mail filtering by body text/attachment reading?

Mutt goes by the UNIX philosophy of "do one thing, do it well".
Procmail (or yes, Maildrop) as an add-on tool would be good choices to
do some filtering of messages at delivery time.  

While in Mutt, you can do something called "limiting", which will pare
down the messages shown in the index based on patterns.  for example, to
limit the current view to messages containing 'Outlook' in the headers,
you could type 'l' for limit, then '~h Outlook' and hit enter.  There
are many other patterns such as '~b' for body, '~f' for from, etc. that
you can read about further in the manual.  

As for attachments, you'll only really have luck with them if they are
text-based.  I believe that the '~b' pattern would match strings in
attachments as well, since they are technically part of the body in a
MIME message. 

If you're interested in spam filtering, there are a number of ways to do
this, including my ideas at:


(Apologies if I've already mentioned this in this thread, I don't have
the rest of it handy anymore).  

Good luck!

- -- 
[!] Justin R. Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    PGP 0xC9C40C31 -=- http://codesorcery.net


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