Quoting Ryan Singer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [Mar 12, 2002 10:46]:
> just checked the manual, and it appears that there isn't a way
> to indicate whether or not a mailbox has flagged messages in it
> while in the file browser (folder_format has no equivalent to
> index_format's %S).

I wouldn' think that there would be; mutt would have to look
inside each folder to figure that out, and that would be hugely

> is there a workaround for this? i'd love to be able to flag
> messages that i need to deal with later and then see which
> mailboxes contain such important messages.

Workaround?  Yes, save all your important messages to
=important. ;)


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Love is the law, love under will.

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