* Sven Guckes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [03-13-02 08:34] crowed:
> * MuttER <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020313 13:05]:
> > * Sven Guckes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [03-13-02 07:53] crowed:
> > > and this "---end quoted text---" simply is superfluous!
> >
> > You are a good fisherman.  I'll bite.  The superfluous and (to
> > pontificate) extraneous addition of "---end quoted text---" is indeed
> > no more necessary that the empty lines above and below your comments.
> >
> > They are an addition of several chars, thou.
> Good point!  I could leave out the empty lines, too.
> But then you will lose the ability to process it
> with an editor which has extra commands for paragraphs
> (selection, deletion, jumping over, text reformatting)
> which are usually delimited by empty lines.
> I have to admit that I enjoy those extra characters which
> make empty lines - they make text much more readable.
> what was your suggestion about enhancing readbility again?
> By the way, when was the last time you
> read a book without paragraphs?
> Besides, "crowed" is superfluous in attributions, too.
> PS: Get a real name - "MuttER"!
> Sven

I should have stayed in the deeper water.  Wasn't hungry anyway.

I do not know that I have ever read a book without paragraphs.  BUT, I
have read many books that did not have the paragraphs delineated by
blank lines.  Many use indentation for delineation.  And many editors
recognize indentation paragraphing.

Argument for the sake of argument.  Your point.

Many editors would have difficulty recognizing and parsing your date

My name is in the header and the sig.  I receive very little uce/spam
and have no filters expressly for rejecting same.

Please have the last word.  You have game, set and match.
Pat Shanahan                                 Registered Linux User #207535
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