* John Levon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-03-14 01:36]:
> Is this easily do-able ? A keypress would mean all
> following emails in this thread get marked somehow
> (colour, whatever ...)

it is possible whenever a followup has a reference
to this message - or to a followup which in turn
has a reference pointing back at the message.

so much for theory.

usually, an email message has only *one* reference -
pointing at the previous message.  usually, that's all you get.

some mailers also use a "References:" line.  (guess which!)

but then there are so many mailers which do not give
*any* reference at all - no, not even one.

so much for watching threads.

hint:  you want News aka Usenet and a good newsreader.
recommended:  gnus, slrn, tin, trn, xnews. (GNKSA!)
and then there is mutt plus the NNTP patches..

Sven  [using slrn]

Gnus - http://www.gnus.org   trn   - http://trn.sourceforge.net/
slrn - http://www.slrn.org   xnews - http://xnews.3dnews.net/
tin  - http://www.tin.org    Forte (Free) Agent, Netscape, OutlookExpress

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