* On Wed, Mar 13, 2002 at 10:09:09PM -0500, Joel Hammer wrote:
> I used to highlight and copy the address into the browser (netscape). But,
> this seems a bit clumsy. It was clumsy, in fact.
For the Cygwin mutt users among us, I do the following to view URLs
in IE by highlighting the link then pressing F11 (it uses Window's
"start", assumes you are using rxvt and have installed perl and

1.  Create shell script viewurl:

clipboard=`getclip | perl -pe 's/\n?\r?//g'`
start $clipboard

2.  Add this to .muttrc:

macro pager <F11> "! viewurl\n" "Simulate the real urlview by spawning IE"

Bob Heckel

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