On Tue, Mar 19, 2002 at 10:35:30AM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>     Is there a way in Mutt to specify the To: field of an outgoing email
> based on addresses in a random text file? I'm aware of the alias capability to
> specify mailing lists, but if I simply have a file of email addresses, and I'd
> like Mutt to use those for an outgoing message, is there a simple way to
> accomplish that?

In the spirit of 'many ways to skin a cat', I attach my 'mail_to_list'
Perl script.  It uses 'mail', but you could hack it to use 'mutt'.

It may not be the most elegant/efficient way, but I think it works.

David Smith            Work Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
STMicroelectronics     Home Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Bristol, England

eval "exec $PERL -w $0 $*"           # Magic to invoke perl on this script
  if $untrue;                     # using the environment variable PERL.

$message_filename = shift;
$subject_filename = shift;

open(SUBJECT_FILE, $subject_filename);
$subject = <SUBJECT_FILE>;

chop $subject;
while ($address = <>)
  chop $address;
  open (MAIL_COMMAND, "|mail -s $subject $address");
  open (MESSAGE_FILE, $message_filename);
  while (<MESSAGE_FILE>)
    print MESSAGE_FILE;

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