
I'm using CVS Mutt 1.5.0i, and I was just recently introduced to PGP
and now I'd like to assign Mutt to sign all of my outgoing mails with
my personal key... I've read the manual, I've read PGP man pages and
instructions, but I just can't figure what to put in:

set pgp_sign_command=""

Any insight on this, very stupid, question (I guess :P)?

Jussi Ekholm               | A Elbereth Gilthoniel, silivren penna míriel
i Adanedhel                | o menel aglar elenath! Na-chaered palan-díriel 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]        | o galadhremmin ennorath, Fanuilos le linnathon
http://ekhowl.goa-head.org | nef aear, sí nef aearon

Attachment: msg25940/pgp00000.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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