
On Tue, Mar 26, 2002 at 06:31:43:PM +0100 Marco Fioretti wrote:
> Here where I work we use Ultra sparc machines, but have no root password
> and only 100 MB of quota = can't compile and install stuff, and are forbidden
> to do so: this situation is much more frequent than many Unix guru expect,
> just see how often they dismiss one's question with "just patch or compile
> from source, don't bother us".

I know that. ;-((

At my university I have 20 MB. I'm allowed to compile and install in my
home directory. Quite hard with 20 MB. So I'll build at home hoping it
works there...

> OTOH, this (Pointy haired guys saying ?Exchange!!? ) is the reason to hope somebody
> does make mutt do also outlook calendar functions.

"Someday we'll emulate you"

I'll stop writing about software made by Microsoft, right after this

I've always been able to get some text out of every Outlook mail. But
Exchange really sucks. It not only sucks, it even sucks most:

Somebody was subscribed to a mailinglist and, for any reason, his
account wasn't available anymore. Not knowing that I write a mail to
that list and get a bounce that I had made an attempt to send mail to a
deleted account. The mailer was so nice to attach a copy of the message
headers it received: 'From:' was correct, 'To:' was set to the
unavailble account, the messgage-id was replaced by one generated at the
Exchange server. The bounce was not send back to the list but to each
member subscribed. I sent a mail to the list asking if somebody could
stop this nightmare... and got another bounce from the Exchange server.

I know, it was 'only' because misconfiguration by the postmaster. That's
what 'they' always say.


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