* Tim Kennedy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-03-26 17:34]:
> I've been looking through the 'net, and various archives of
> various messages, for an answer to how I can get mutt to reply
> to emails using the "To" address, as the "From" address.
> My understanding was that "reverse_name" could
> override the setting of "from", but that
> "my_hdr From" would override "reverse_name".

correct.  a FROM header set with my_hdr will
simply be "added" and thus will override
a FROM header generated with "reverse_name".

> my local account name is sugarat.  but
> I also get mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]".
> When people send  email to  "[EMAIL PROTECTED]",
> I want to automatically use "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> as my From address in any replies.

then "reverse_name" will do this for you.

> I'm using Mutt 1.3.28i, configured with [options]
> and have reduced my muttrc file to the following:
> [18 lines]

now *that's good info!  well done!  :-)

> From everything I've read, this should suit my purposes.
> I've made sure that the system Muttrc file is not
> changing any of these, even though it's read in first.


> set editor = "vim"


> I still am not getting the behavior that I expect.
> It always sends from the defined "from",
> "[EMAIL PROTECTED]".  If I unset the "from",
> then it sends from the local account, and uses the
> real name from the gecos field of /etc/passwd.

yup - feature.  but is this a problem?
i mean - what's in that gecos field?
anyway, "chfn" is your friend.

> Sorry if this has been asked a lot.

yes, you'd think this would be in the FAQ... ;-)

So - try without my_hdr definitions
and only with reverse_name?


Sven Guckes          http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/mutt/setup.html
Mutt setup from scratch, Sven's sample setup; attribution, "limit", "list"
vs "subscribe", histories, mailcap, POP, hooks, use of external pagers,
troubleshooting, adding header lines, "from Mozilla to Mutt".

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