Shawn --

...and then Shawn McMahon said...
% begin  quoting what David T-G said on Wed, Mar 27, 2002 at 07:55:08AM -0500:
% > 
% > % has been changed so that application/pgp is no longer used (although
% > % there's an x-mutt-action=pgp-sign flag in the content/type so that mutt
% > % knows it's signed).  those changes are from Thomas Roessler.
% > 
% > I was unaware that it was broken.  Can you (or someone) tell us whether
% > this functionality is in 1.3.28?
% Only with a patch.  Although I'm using a patch that causes the same

Ahhh...  I thought that it had been integrated in .28 but was confused by
the announcement.

% behavior, IMHO, core Mutt shouldn't.  It should be configurable whether
% you'll use application/pgp or not, because there's an RFC in question
% here.  OpenPGP specifies application/pgp, but that breaks some MUAs that
% don't follow the OpenPGP RFC.

As we all know :-)

% The usual workaround is text/plain, but that needs to be user-configurable
% so that people who WANT to use OpenPGP (I don't, I either use text/plain
% or PGP/MIME) can.

Yeah, good point.

% As I said, one of the patches for that just makes it text/plain always,
% and another makes it configurable.  I'm using the former by choice.

I think I'm up on patches, both Shane's and Dale's, so I'm covered.
Thanks for the info!

David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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