On Tue, Apr 02, 2002 at 11:47:51AM -0600, David Champion wrote:
> > Err... why are you using Mutt? Why not just set up an NFS share or FTP
> > access, and just *copy* the files from one server to the other?
> You answered this yourself....

Reason is that the destination server doesn't store IMAP
folders in mbox format, plus it doesn't mount NFS (for other

> > Or is there a specific reason you need to use an MUA to do it? I can't
> > think of one good reason, unless of course you don't have anything but
> > IMAP access to each server

The CGI/Perl script is meant to be generic and run by the
user, and IMAP is the only way to access the server.

> behalf of my users). With access to one hierarchy of mboxes, I use a
> command like this to transfer them all to an IMAP server:
> cd .../path/to/folders
> find . -type f -print | while read folder; do
>         directory=`dirname $folder`
>         folder=`basename $folder`
>         mutt -f $directory/$folder -e "push 
>         echo
>         echo "$directory/$folder is transferred."
> done

Thanks. Though I was looking for a better way, knowing that
someone else has done it before is good enough. :)

> It's trivial to extend that to handle multiple users, if you know
> their passwords. If you don't know their passwords, then it's probably
> possible to arrange a back-channel transfer not involving IMAP directly.

The passwords on either side is the same, so shouldn't be a

Thanks everyone.


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