* Peter T. Abplanalp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-04-04 10:51]:
> i think i know the answer to this but i wanted to make sure...
> if i have a send-hook:
> send-hook somelist set pgp_autosign=no
> it changes the value of pgp_autosign from there on out, yes?  it is
> not a temporary item just for this send afterwhich the global value of
> pgp_autosign returns.  that is why when i asked about send hooks
> everyone gave me two send-hooks instead of one.

Correct.  That's why almost all examples like this also include
something along the lines of:

  send-hook . set pgp_autosign=yes

And then have send-hooks for specific exceptions to the general rule.


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    -- Agnes Repplier

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