David T-G wrote:

> I know that there are a lot of folks using various spam-fighting tools
> here, and particularly some who are using Spam Assassin, and so I
> thought this might be of interest.  I haven't checked into SA or how
> it's configured or looked [recently] at the SpamTricks article, but
> I'd like to know how much of this guy's claim is bupkus and how much
> is valid.  Maybe I'll get to dig into it.
> Surf on over to
>   http://www.talkbiz.com/assassin.html
> and give it a read.

man that man is an idiot.  i spent the time composing a response to him
and then realized.... "why bother".  personally, i wouldn't listen to
his ideas on _anything_ after reading that.

the fact of the matter is that spamassassin works.  i personally
wouldn't use it to bounce messages, although if the score is high
enough, i'd probably feel safe doing that too.  i wouldn't use it in a
general purpose ISP situation like the one he describes unless i was
just tagging mail and letting people make their own decisions.

some of the tests that the filter uses *do* seem a little silly - but
they generally are pretty good at telling what's spam and what isn't.

i don't generally receive legitimate mail with A WHOLE LINE OF YELLING,
or in HTML format only with no plaintext version.

the actual scores are (from what i understand) taken from a script which
looks through peoples spam folders (as mbox files) and determines what
score something should get.

thus, there are some things that you'd intuitively think should be
scored a lot that are actually a negative score, while other things are
scored higher than you'd think.

it generally takes several tests to get a message blocked. in any event,
sorry to continue this OT discussion.  if you haven't already,
definitely check out spamassassin.  i was a long time spambouncer user,
but i have to say i've been converted.

Will Yardley
input: william < @ hq . newdream . net . >

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