
* Andre Berger [04/10/02 20:14:51 CEST] wrote:
> I would like to define a keystroke that fetches gpg keys for me from
> signed messages, like

> "gpg --keyserver www.keyserver.net --recv-keys 0x$KEY"

> But how can I get/define $KEY?

It depends on what your goal is. If you want gpg to automatically import
keys if a key is missing, you only have to put your keyserver in
~/.gnupg/options. If you want to do it selectively on a per message
basis, there're several ways.

1) You could write a macro piping the message to GnuPG (which will be
   ignored). Don't put <enter> at the end of the line but '0x'. You then
   would have to type the key id manually.

2) You could - the complicated way - try some script in conjunction with
   the display_filter variable to do what you want.

Your choice. ;-)

But I think you want to simply add the keyserver to your GnuPG config
file. For use with pgp you (depending on the version used) have to set
$pgp_getkeys_command in your .muttrc.


Cheers, Rocco.

Attachment: msg27002/pgp00000.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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