
post has finally reached version 2.0.  Don't let the .0 scare you, it hasn't
been rewritten from scratch or anything like that.

If you haven't used it before, it is an emacs mode that has a lot of features,
both useful and fanciful, for composing email and news messages with external
user agents like mutt and slrn.

Get it here: 


For the initiated:
 * A bug fix!  It no longer deletes forwarded content when you change the
 * New feature: it can now get signature quotes from a strfile (i.e. fortune)
   formatted file.  The reason why this is good is given on the web page.

"Never use while sleeping." - warning with hair dryer, US News & World Report
Robert I. Reid | PGP/GPG Keys: http://astro.utoronto.ca/~reid/pgp.html

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