> Is it possible to read Mailinglist of public folders on a
> Exchange Server with Mutt 
I manged to configure my mutt to read my mails from the exchange server, but 
unfortunatly i cannot Browse lower than one level into the public folders. 
I am running: 
Debian Linux woddy kernel 2.4.7 with imaptool 0.9-4
Everything else is working perfectly > writing mails, browsing subfolders of my Inbox 
etc. But when i start browsing the public folder of exchange (win2000 Server, Exchange 
2000 SP2) I get timeouts, eg. No response. 
The interessting thing is that i can browse some folder (with no subfolders insinde) 
and read the mail in these folders. 
All folders i have Problems with have subdirectories. In my pager they have IMAP + 
All with the + down´t work. 

Any ideas ? 

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