Michael --

...and then Michael Seiwert said...
% *On Sat, May 11, 2002 at 09:53:16AM -0700, Will Yardley wrote:
% > wouldn't it be easier to tag all messages in a folder and copy them to a
% > local Maildir or mbox folder?
% yes, thats exactly what I want. Is it possible to tag the messages
% using mutt from the commandline without open ?

Theoretically, yes.

Before we cover that, though, would you consider something like isync?
All you want to do is move mail around; mutt is actually a bit of
overkill for that.

You can put anything in a muttrc that you could at the command prompt
within mutt, so if you wanted something like


to tag all messages received more than 14 days ago and then tag-save them
to some BoxName in your Archive directory under $folder (assuming you had
any messages to tag; see the archives for discussions of macros and
tagging and going awry when there are no matches), you might put

  push "T~r>14d\n;s=Archive/BoxName"

into a simple muttrc file and then call it as

  mutt -F .muttrc/simplemuttrc -f imap://server/path

and go from there.  That still doesn't take care of your password input,
but it gets most things done.

As I said, though, mutt isn't really the right tool if you just want to
move mail around.  I don't know if fetchmail, as has been suggested, will
do the sort of thing you want (presumably to only pull down old mail
while leaving current mail on the server), but it's worth checking out
other tools that excel in moving mail around.

% Regards
% Michael


David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
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