
* David T-G [05/20/02 14:54:29 CEST] wrote:

> Ah.  Well, if *that* is the case...

> What I would do is make a null-passphrase key pair specifically for this
> purpose.

Sounds good, but I generally don't like the idea to use
encryption with a null-passphrase key at my side.

> Then put the public key on the forwarding side and do the

>   | gpg --encrypt --armor --recipient 0xNNNNNNNN \
>     | mailx -s "autoencrypted forwarded mail" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> as previously discussed.  Then comes the fun part:

> On the receiving side, something like

[ procmail ]

> will catch and *autodecrypt* it and, voila, you have the mail exactly as
> it arrived at the original machine after a nonetheless safe transit (and
> it requires no fancy ssh port forwarding and catching on your destination
> system but, instead, goes through the public SMTP system).

It's one more possible way I'll think about. Thanks, again,
for mentioning.

Cheers, Rocco.

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