On Sat, Jun 01, 2002 at 21:58:11 +0200, Rocco Rutte wrote:
> Hi,
> * Will Yardley [06/01/02 20:27:28 CEST] wrote:
> [ errors building 1.4 on FreeBSD ]
>> sorry - thought i wrote that.  it was 1.4
>> i believe libiconv is installed, and i did a second install with
>> some of the arguments that the port uses:
>> CC="cc -I/usr/local/include" LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/lib ./configure
>> --enable-exact-address --enable-flock --disable-fcntl
>> --with-libiconv-prefix=/usr/local
>> and got the same error.
> 1.5 builds fine here, but 1.4 makes problems.
>> i do get:
>> checking for iconv... no, consider installing GNU libiconv
>> configure: warning: Unable to find an iconv function. See INSTALL for help
>> but configure doesn't fail as it used to.
> Here too. That's stupid. Even more weired is this:
> ,-
|| pdmef@klaus:/tmp/mutt-1.4$ ./prepare --with-libiconv-prefix=/usr/local 
|| checking for iconv.h... yes
|| checking whether iconv.h defines iconv_t... yes
|| configure: warning: Unable to find an iconv function. See INSTALL for help
|| [...]
|| The mutt source code was successfully prepared.
|| Type make && make install to build and install mutt.
> `-
> ...which then runs into the same trouble. And /usr/local is
> correct:
> ,-
|| pdmef@klaus:~$ pkg_info -L iconv-2.0_1
|| Information for iconv-2.0_1:
|| /usr/local/include/iconv.h
|| /usr/local/lib/libiconv.so
|| /usr/local/lib/libiconv.so.2
> `-

The iconv port is now at 2.0_3 and no longer installs a libiconv.so,
instead it is called libbiconv.so. This library is a way not standard and did
not work for mutt-1.3.x.

> or...
> ,-
|| pdmef@klaus:~$ pkg_info -L libiconv-1.7_1
|| Information for libiconv-1.7_1:
|| /usr/local/include/giconv.h
|| /usr/local/lib/libgiconv.so
|| /usr/local/lib/libgiconv.so.2
> `-

This library is not used by mutt, since it is called libgiconv.so and not
libiconv.so. Also the libiconv port is at version which fixes

Please update both ports and try again.

Best regards

Udo Schweigert, Siemens AG   | Voice      : +49 89 636 42170
CT IC 3, Siemens CERT        | Fax        : +49 89 636 41166
D-81730 Muenchen / Germany   | email      : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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