On Sun, Jun 02, 2002 at 09:46:30AM -0400, Thomas Dickey wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 02, 2002 at 01:41:55PM +0200, Maximilian Szengel wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> >  I've just edited my mutt colors to have a white background. (color
> >  normal black white etc.) I am using aterm and when I call mutt with the
> >  white background setting it looks awful, not white. Have a look at the
> >  screenshot [1]. I tried it with rxvt and it looks the same. Am I doing
> >  something wrong? Maybe it's not mutt's fault, then just ignore this
> >  post and I am going to find help somewhere else.
> > 
> > 1. http://che23.de/mutt_aterm.jpg
> That looks like you're using ncurses 5.2 with the experimental $COLORTERM
> support (it doesn't work for bright backgrounds).

 Well, I had libncursesw5[-dev] installed (debian-woody). But when I
 remove it mutt's color behavior does not change. Do you have any tip,
 how I can correct this?
Wenn jemand Freude daran hat, bei Musik in Reih' und 
Glied zu marschieren, dann verachte ich ihn schon deswegen,
weil er sein Gehirn nur wegen eines Irrtums bekommen hat; 
ein Rückenmark hätte gereicht.
- Einstein

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