David T-G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> ...and then Jussi Ekholm said...
>> This is probably a stupid question, but I'll ask it anyway because it
>> has been bothering me since I first subscribed to mutt-user. ;-)
> Not stupid :-)

Yeah! Didn't someone say, that:

      "There is no stupid questions, there is only stupid people."

And wasn't that someone our dear mimbari, Draal, in Babylon 5? :-D

>> What's the thing with mailboxes with filename starting with IN
> It's just a convention, rather than anything as lofty as a standard,
> and when folks see it they often take it up for themselves.

Ah, I see. Then, I use a "little" different sorting methods and folder
names. ;-) I don't have any folder, which would contain some string
which would imply that the mail is coming in -- except 'inbox', of

> When I started working with email I simply used =F.* for 'f'olders
> that caught list mail; my mutt-users (and mutt-rpm and mutt-announce,
> BTW) mail comes into =F.mutt

I've set Procmail to sort every mailing list into a different folder,
thus mutt-users goes to =mutt-users. And mutt-dev goes to =mutt-dev.
And all debian-* lists are sorted the same way, too. Then I have some
local mailboxes, like =logcheck, =cron and so on. And every read mail
goes to =archive/<same_named_folder>. I'm pretty satisfied with it, and
it's pretty logical. For me, at least. :-)

> You can also check back in the archives for various posts talking
> about organizing mail folders and such. Lots of people have tried
> various methods, each with their merits but none sufficiently perfect
> to take over the world :-)

Hehe, I know what you mean. :-)

I have to admit; I'm the kind of guy, who wants to organize
*everything*. So, I'm constantly modifying my ~/.muttrc and every other
possible thing. My next "big" project is to fully re-organize the
keymappings of Slrn. Mutt comes next. :-)

Jussi Ekholm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GNU/Linux user number 269376
http://erppimaa.cjb.net/~ekhowl/   | GnuPG Public Key ID:  1410081E

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