When in console mode, I've got mutt working with urlview to bring up
lynx and display the selected page.  Works fine.

However, when I fire up X and launch mutt in an xterm, and then try to
view a link via urlview, I get nothing.  urlview just continues to
display the harvested links.  I'm trying to get urlview to launch Opera.
Note that I've edited my url_handler.sh (called by /usr/bin/screen) to
include the path to Opera, so that change has already been made.

Any suggestions?

Here's what I have for ~/.mailcap:

# Send html to a running opera by remote
text/html; opera -remote 'openURL(%s)' 

# If I'm not running Opera but am running X, start opera
text/html; opera %s  

# Else If use lynx to view it as text
text/html; lynx %s; nametemplate=%s.html

# Else use lynx to view via Autoview
text/html; lynx -dump %s; nametemplate=%s.html; copiousoutput

# Use enscript to print text in two columns to a page
text/*; more %s; print=enscript -2Gr %s

# Converts images to text using netpbm tools
image/*; (anytopnm %s|pnmscale -xysize 80 46|ppmtopgm|pgmtopbm\
   |pbmtoascii -1x2)2>&1; copiousoutput

# Use gunzip to view tar files
application/x-tar-gz; gunzip -c %s|tar -tf -; copiousoutput

As always, thanks, Kevin


Kevin Coyner
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