On Sun, Jun 09, 2002 at 11:26:45AM -0600, Sean LeBlanc wrote:
> I subscribe to quite a few technical lists. Does anyone know of any way to
> deal with top-posters? I'm looking for some type of ability to put
> top-posting style into the correct style when reading or replying to a
> message. I use Vim as the editor for replying, and I realize that's a

Try this in your .vimrc

    " ,ett = Edit The TOFU
      map ,ett 1G/^> <CR>VG?^> <CR>dgg^/^$<CR>p

simply edit the TOFU message in mutt, pressing "e"
Yes, I know, this is not the best solution, and probably it is not safe
from race conditions, but it works. 
Instead, if you want to deTOFU a message which you're replying, change 
the search pattern "^> " with "^> > " 

PS Of course, that are style quote dependent


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