
On Thu 2002-06-20 at 16:56:24 +1000, Scott Howard wrote:
> I'm fairly certain this isn't possible, but...
> Our helpdesk system sends out emails every time a task/case/request is
> created/updated/closed/etc.
> These take the form of something like :
>  17   + Jun 17 Helpdesk (   0) New Task - Task#: 12345678
>  18   + Jun 17 Helpdesk (   0) Task Updated - Task#: 12345678
>  19   + Jun 17 Helpdesk (   0) Task Closed - Task#: 12345678
> I'd like to be able to get mutt to thread these messages together as a
> single thread, but I can't see an easy way to do it.

It has some side-effects which may be unwanted, but the following
regexp should make mutt view those subject as belonging to one thread,
by telling it to consider the beginning up to "Task#: " reply mark
(i.e. like "Re: "):

  set reply_regexp=".* - Task#: "
  unset strict_threads                  # that's the default
  set sort_re                           # that's the default

Of course, you probably want to set it for the folder in question,
let's say "support":

  folder-hook . 'set reply_regexp="^(re|aw|sv):[ \t]*"; '
  folder-hook =support 'set reply_regexp="^.* - Task#: "'

(the latter is the default, change it to whatever you want). 

> The mail all runs through procmail, so I can get procmail to put in a
> header such as :
> X-Task-Num: 12345678
> but short of hacking the code I can't see a way to use that as the key for
> threading.

Probably it would be more useful, if the subject would start with the
task number, as reply_regexp wouldn't have to include the "real"
subject part.

Additionally a short test showed that it (changing reply_regexp) will
only work, if no valid References and In-Reply-To headers are given,
else it will use them - being more precise information. But from what
you wrote, these shouldn't be given (else you wouldn't have that
threading problem, would you?).




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