* David T-G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-06-26 08:20 -0500]:
> AFAIK you're out of luck.  It's my understanding that mutt feeds to gpg
> the entire body, including MIME headers, for signing and then attaches
> the signature after that -- which means that just saving the body off is
> insufficient.

Ah.  I was unable to get a valid signature just by saving the body, so I
suspected something else was being thrown in.  I shall take the lazy
approach and just save the emails into a separate mbox that people can
download if they want to verify the data.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] / DNRC / UMBC-LUG: http://lug.umbc.edu
PGP:  ID: D8C75CF5  print: 0A7D B3AD 2D10 1099  7649 AB64 04C2 05A6
--- --
Beware of things with a small brain-to-body mass ratio --- like cars.
                       -- Bodivoodoo
---- --- --

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