Gary, et al --

...and then Gary Johnson said...
% On Wed, Jun 26, 2002 at 02:17:53PM +0200, Cedric Duval wrote:
% > Pedro Alves wrote:
% > > Hello. Is it possible to configure mutt to automatically lunch the external
% > > viewer defined in mailcap inside the mutt window? For instance, lunch w3m
% >    auto_view text/html
% Pedro wanted was to view the HTML content of the message using a browser
% such as w3m, as can be done from the attachment menu, but with the
% browser invoked automatically when the message is opened from the index
% menu.  I don't think mutt currently supports that.

In that case, what about something like

  msg-hook .    'set pager=builtin'
  msg-hook <pattern> 'set pager=lynx'

or so?  If you want lynx as a pager, just set lynx as the pager...
[Note that this is untested, that I don't use msg-hook, and that
there's probably a lovely default setting that might be better than 
the all-matching default msg-hook.]

% Gary
% -- 
% Gary Johnson                               | Agilent Technologies
% [EMAIL PROTECTED]                   | Spokane, Washington, USA
% |


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