i am currently running Mutt 1.4i (2002-05-29) on mandrake 8.2, with a 
muttrc created with the automated muttrc builder
(http://mutt.netliberte.org/). When i am reading a message, in the pager
if i am not mistaken, and i want to scroll up to the previous line i
cannot using either the backspace key or the < key which if i look in 
the help they are BOTH defined as previous-line. I have tried actually 
binding the keys while i am in mutt with the command ":bind pager
backspace previous-line" the command doesnt return any errors but again
it still doesnt work. I have tried setting it in my muttrc and that
doesnt work either. Can anyone give me some insight on this? i have been
lurking on the list for a little while and have seen nothing about this.
Thanks in advance.


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