On Tue, 20 Aug 2002, Thomas Dickey wrote:

> 8 colors are standard (the majority of those 16-color
> applications are assuming that bold colors are bright - which
> is not a valid assumption in many cases).

Well, as an example, in slrn, I've got a lightgray statusbar
with white text.  Easier to read than you might think.  In Mutt,
I'm finding it impossible to achieve.  'brightwhite' creates
*bold* white text, whereas 'white' creates grey text (the grey I
see, is actually lightgray according to slrn).  If I change the
status bar to 'white' (ahem, cough, cough, lightgray), and the
text to 'brightwhite', the status bar actually ends up *black*!

Is Mutt trying to hold my hand here or something?  If I want to
use difficult colour combinations (and I don't think they are
difficult), I'd like to make that decision/mistake myself.

Lee J. Moore
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