
this has been discussed in the past, but I couldn't find an adequate
solution for my particular problem.

I often receive messages with either unquoted 8-bit headers (in lines
like From:, To:, Subject:, etc.) or, worse, with characters quoted and
wrong charset specified.

Example 1:

My console can display koi8-r. I receive a mail encoded in windows-1251
with an unquoted header. Mutt converts the body to koi8-r, and I can
read the contents. However, Mutt doesn't know the header charset, so it
is displayed without conversion, and I can't read it. For instance, 192
is Acyr in 1251, but I see it as yucyr with my koi8-r font.

I wish I could specify the header charset manually (as I do with ^E for
message bodies) so that Mutt could convert the subject and other fields.

Example 2:

My console can display iso-8859-9. I receive a mail encoded in
iso-8859-9. Headers are quoted, and the charset is set to iso-8859-1
("Subject: =?iso-8859-1?Q?some_8859-9-encoded_text?=). Mutt reads the
charset, and displays 8859-9-specific characters as question marks, as
they are not present in my 8859-9 font. E.g., 254 is scedilla in 8859-9,
but Mutt thinks it is 8859-1, and tries to display thorn, which is not
available in the font.

Again, the only solution I see is to override the charset manually. I
can't just "charset-hook iso-8859-1 iso-8859-9" since I can as well
receive mail encoded in koi8-r, but flagged as iso-8859-1.

I'm using 1.4. I think LC_CTYPE and charset are set correctly in both
cases. BTW, why does Mutt use both of these variables? I would find
logical if charset have overridden LC_CTYPE. I can't see the rationale
behind the current implementation, and find it counter-intuitive. Could
anyone please shed some light on this, too?

I would appreciate any help.

Thanks in advance,

P.S. Please cc to me, I'm not subscribed.
I have "lists mutt-users" and "set followup_to" in my .muttrc, but
I can't see any Followup-To: lines in the mail sent.

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