At work, I use Linux and have been using Mutt and Sylpheed.
Yesterday, my boss complained about the format of my e-mails.  So to
make him happy, I have developed an attribution string that mimics

folder-hook $HOME/Mail/Mail-Work/* 'set attribution="\n\n-----Original
Message-----\nFrom: %f\nSent: %d\n%t\nSubject: %s\n\n"'

This works fine but I have noticed something and I'm not sure how to
fix it.  Instead of a > or |, Outlook indents earlier sections of the
mail.  Mutt has a way of knowing this using quote_regexp.  The problem
is, when I read a reply, the latest reply (which is at the top, thank
you Microsoft)is left justified but earlier replies which would be indented
Outlook have > as the quote character.  When I reply to these, it
leaves the > instead of the tab.

How can I tell Mutt not to replace the tabs with > in the pager or as
I'm replying to e-mails?  I would like to use a folder-hook if


Michael Herman

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