On 2002-09-09 09:42:21 -0700, Michael Elkins wrote:

>Thanks for the extra info.  I looked into this more closely, and I 
>see that there are a couple of factors that come into play into  
>this situation.  First, I noticed that your PDF attachment was  
>labeled improperly as "text/plain".  This is not so bad in itself, 
>but that piece of code that checks for which transfer encoding to  
>use assumes that it really is text, which is a problem.  Since  
>there was no extension to the file, Mutt fell back into making a  
>guess as to whether or not the file was of type text/plain or  
>appliation/octet-stream.  Mutt guessed text/plain because it saw  
>only a few lobins in the file. However, Mutt failed to notice that 
>there were bare CRs in the file when choosing the transfer  
>encoding.  The attach patch checks info->binary even for the  
>text/plain case.  I just tested this and it correctly chose base64 
>encoding for the file.

While the problem clearly lies with mutt mis-treating the PDF file  
as text, I'm not entirely sure that just changing  
content-transfer-encodings is the right kind of fix...  This may  
also be a problem with either the old MIME encoder (which is what I  
tend to believe), or it may come from the special-casing text mode  
has to do for CR-LF sequences (i.e., line ends), regardless of the  
content transfer encoding.  If it's the latter, there's ultimately  
nothing we can do about this - apart of not using text mode to  
transfer binary files.

In order to test things, I saved the quoted-printable version of the 
file to my hard disk, and then sent it to myself using mutt-1.4 and  
1.5 (as text/plain, with quoted-printable encoding), and then saved  
the file.  The new file was identical to the old one, down to the  

Can you guys reproduce this?  Or was I already using a mis-treated  
version of the file as my test case?

(MD5 checksum: 57631c6d362944c179c24cbe1512ce2e)

Thomas Roessler                        <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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