Hi, all.

I'm a little unsure of how to formulate this question so please poke on
me if you don't understand. :)
If I for example have this in my .muttrc:

color index blue black "~D"
color index brightyellow black "~f winkle ~p"

I would like all the mail I mark for deletion to be colored the same
way, so my question is this:

Is it possible to set some kind of priority for which color mutt should
use in case a mail has both of these "conditions"?

Regards, Johan Svedberg

|Mail address   |Home telephonenumber    |E-mail address               |
|Johan Svedberg |+46 (0)90-49 139        |[EMAIL PROTECTED]            |
|Hästhagsvägen 2|                        |                             |
|S-905 96 Umeå  |Cellular telephonenumber|WWW address                  |
|Sweden         |+46 (0)70-639 49 82     |http://www.acc.umu.se/~winkle|

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