- On Fri, 20.Sep.2002, 11:42EDT, MindFuq uttered:
> How do I upgrade mutt?  I tried using rpm with the upgrade option, and 
> it had a dependancy on libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.2).  Then when I tried to 
> upgrade GLIBC, I got several screenfulls of other programs that require 
> the old version that I'm using.  I got the feeling I would have scrap 
> everything and install the latest OS.

No need to scrap everything.  Just go grab the source tarball and build
it yourself.  Or better yet you could use a spec file and build your own
mutt RPM which you could then install.  Doesn't look like the 1.4i
source tarball comes with a spec so you'd have to find on on the net
somewhere or write it yourself.

> If I go get the latest tarball, will that have the dependancy issue I 
> ran into with the rpm file?

Not if you build mutt from source.

"Isn't it time we care and lose the hate
 Understand our fears"
         -- Dream Theater, "Blind Faith"

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