* On 2002.09.23, in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
*       "Pankaj Jangid" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> Why mutt sends all the messages as attachments ?

Mutt doesn't generally send messages as attachments. All outbound
messages are MIME documents, though, and adhere to the MIME
specification. This means that every message body is a "MIME part",
and some mail readers indeed make all MIME parts look like the same

Mutt presumes a MIME-capable mail reader on the other end. This is
probably the issue you're addressing.

When you forward a message, it can actually be a MIME attachment, but
it's not necessarily. There are configuration parameters that control
this. But I don't think that this is what you mean.

And, of course, there's the PGP issue. By default, PGP messages will be
MIME documents -- again, because Mutt's aim is to be a MIME mailer. But
to some extent, these, too, can be turned off.

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