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Armin Wolfermann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> * Jussi Ekholm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [15.10.2002 07:14]:
>> When I open abook in vim-folder, and compose a mail to some address
>> selected from there (press 'm' when the cursor's on top of the
>> address I want to mail), my From-header gets mangled like this:
> pressing 'm' in abook starts a new instance of mutt. The new
> instance doesn't know about the previously selected folder.

I suspected this to be so, but now I'm sure about this and it's always
goot to be sure about things. So the thing goes, that one launches
Mutt from within abook, which is launched within other (the first and
"main" one) Mutt, right? :-)

>> Oh, and this brings me to additional question: how did I query for
>> abook's entries from Mutt's 'To: ' prompt again? And where the hell
>> it was again where I was able to specify the file to be queried in
>> this situation? I hate it when I forget things.
> Take a look at '4.5.  External Address Queries' in your manual.

Ah indeed, thanks! And I actually appreciate answers that refers to
something, where the question is already answered; in this case,
especially, it reminds me again of how good Mutt's manual is and from
the fact, that I shouldn't be so hasty in writing a question. I should
try to find the answers myself. So, thanks again - this article of
yours was really uplifting! :-)

- -- 
Jussi Ekholm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | <http://erppimaa.ihku.org/> | <0x1410081E>
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