I am using mutt (another newbie) as a sub-set of another process, i.e
unattended. The mutt section is intended to go into a mailbox and save mail
that matches a subject pattern, delete that mail and then quit
automatically. This is relatively easy using push, tag pattern, tag prefix,
save message; it all works great unless there is no mail that matches the
pattern and then it saves the first message, deletes it, then quits -
obviously a problem. I tried "limit" but if there are no matches then it
doesn't show nothing, it shows everything, i.e. a user approach rather than
a system approach.

The only approach that I can think of is to do it in two steps. On the first
run, match only the first occurance of the match, then copy this to a local
box; check the subject of that mail using perl, and if valid, proceed and do
the full mutt push etc to save/delete, otherwise we know there are no mails
we need to save.

Any ideas?

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