On [Tue, 24.04.2007 14:31], Vincent BEFFARA wrote:


is it possible to use mutt in offline mode when using imap? idea is to
pass mails to the mta without being connected to the imap server.

I am doing something similar on my laptop (Mac OS X, Linux would be
similar, and I'm not sure about Windows) :

- mail is synchronized from an IMAP server to a local Maildir, using
 offlineimap. Then, mutt is configured to access the Maildir instead of
 the server. Moving e-mail between mailboxes is supported, the only
 thing missing is creation of mailboxes while disconnected. As a perk,
 maildir access is very fast (especially with hcache enabled).

- then, apparently you have an mta installed, this will work for sending

BTW, there is one thing that is not optimal with my config : nothing is
automatic (i.e. I have to synchronize the mailboxes and flush the MTA
queue manually) - but it is very easy to map the whole thing to a key
within Mutt.

The optimal solution would be for mutt to behave differently according
to whether it is disconnected (=> Maildir) or connected (=> IMAP, with
ideally synchronization of the maildir on the fly). But the right place
to implement that is within mutt, and as far as I know it is not
implemented there.

Cool. Has anybody else a setup for this scenario? disconnected->Maildir,

Happy Day.

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