* [14.Ağu.07 17:31 -0700] Ray Van Dolson:
> That is a multipart/mixed message with a multipart/alternative message
> inside of it.  However, the first text portion of the
> multipart/alternative portion appears to be improperly labeled as
> base64.

Not the text part, the multipart/alternative part itself is labeled as 
base64. And AFAIK, that's not permitted for multipart types.

> The only way I can get it to show up in mutt is to edit the raw 
> message and change the first base64 to 8bit (leaving the base64 for 
> the actual file attachment).

You can also view from the attachments menu.

> So is this message being generated incorrectly?


> Should mutt handle things differently instead of just bombing out?

Yes, IMHO. I'm using the attached patch for this.

--- mutt-1.5.16-orig/handler.c  2007-08-15 14:10:26.000000000 +0300
+++ mutt-1.5.16/handler.c       2007-08-15 14:10:05.000000000 +0300
@@ -1575,9 +1575,10 @@
     fseeko (s->fpin, b->offset, 0);
     /* see if we need to decode this part before processing it */
-    if (b->encoding == ENCBASE64 || b->encoding == ENCQUOTEDPRINTABLE ||
+    if (b->type != TYPEMULTIPART &&
+       (b->encoding == ENCBASE64 || b->encoding == ENCQUOTEDPRINTABLE ||
        b->encoding == ENCUUENCODED || plaintext || 
-       mutt_is_text_part (b))                          /* text subtypes may
+       mutt_is_text_part (b)))                         /* text subtypes may
                                                         * require character
                                                         * set conversion even
                                                         * with 8bit encoding.
--- mutt/PATCHES.old    Tue Nov  6 19:59:33 2001
+++ mutt/PATCHES        Tue Nov  6 19:59:42 2001
@@ -0,0 +1 @@

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