I've searched the net, the manual and various How-To's
and not found this information anywhere.

I have a few gpg keys corresponding to a few different
email addresses. When sending out mail within Mutt, I
choose which address to make active through a macro
key. So I am wondering how can I also include a
command within each macro that activates the gpg key
relative to that email address.

This way, I would just assign a variable to the
various pgp entries in my .muttrc, for instance:

set pgp_sign_as=$UID
set pgp --encryption-to=$UID
and so forth....

and then assign the value of $UID each time I need to
switch through a single command (added to the macro
sequence activating a particular address), eg:

set UID=0xD214....

The problem is, I do not know how to do this properly
within Mutt. How do I do it???
Also, is it necessary to run the command, 'pgp
--local-user <key>' each time I switch to a different
gpg key, or the abovementioned setup will suffice?

By the way, I run Mutt (not right now, I'm
writing this from my GF's laptop, while she's
sleeping... :))

Thanks so much,

      Jetzt Mails schnell in einem Vorschaufenster überfliegen. Dies und viel 
mehr bietet das neue Yahoo! Mail - www.yahoo.de/mail

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